Tuesday 19 August 2008

Talking about being productive

So, again it's been a while since we've put anything up. I was just talking this evening about how great it is that we're all so productive when in fact, i havn't done anything productive in quite a while.

Ill start with the car boot sale. Bleedin deadly time was had by all. Sun was shining all day, couldn't have been luckier with the weather. We even managed to make a bit of money, which was a very pleasant surprise for Saoirse and myself. There were loads of bargains to be had-i picked up an amazing vintage vanity case for a mere €3 and a lovely set of tea cups for just €2. Brillers. Of course Dublin Streets were there taking photies so you can head over there for a bit of a look; http://dublinstreets.blogspot.com/2008/08/bernard-shaw-prom-08.html
They even hosted a prom later on in the evening. God bless the bodytonic lads.
No idea when the next one is but we'll keep you posted.

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