I have no idea what this picture is supposed to mean . Maybe shes been sewing miniature doll costumes for her friend and is posting them to her for her birthday? That'd be nice. But why then would someone put this image on a metal sign? It's so ridiculous, but that's what makes it so bloody great!
We've spent the last while failtfully sewing ourselves to bring lots of deadly home made stuff to this Saturday's Toejam carboot sale down in the Bernard Shaw. Our speciality is canvas shoppers but we'll also be selling some very special items that we went all the way to Paris to get our hands on. What could they possibly be? Well you'll have to come down to find out!
Put it in your Moleskine; Bernard Shaw car park, Saturday August 2nd, 1pm-6pm.
And it's a bloody great excuse to get pissed in the middle of the day. Not that we really need an excuse.
While looking for something new I found something quite old.
Delia Derbyshire was mostly responsible for the Doctor Who theme tune and when she died in 2001 they found hundreds of tapes stashed in her attic. She pretty much anticipates techno by about twenty years, listen to it here.
I've been buzzin it round Russia for the last month learning to appreciate vodka. I haven't been paying attention to the internet because the ruskies are far too entertaining. The only music I've heard is the awful Russian pop that they pipe into the trains. They're very fond of their covers, like the beautiful rendition of Hallelujah that lulled me to sleep on the journey from Yarislavl to Yekaterinburg or this little beauty
So now I have to go about catching up on the all the stuff I've missed out on, bloomin eck Margaret Thatcher died, state funeral? you're havin a laugh.
Something happened to me when I heard Why? for the first time. Lil played them to me in Paris back in March and I can safely say that 80% of my music listening time since then has been dedicated to them. I am addicted. I have never heard enough. How do they do it?
Despite the fact that I was in the country when they played ALT back in April and that I had a ticket for their gig in Paris the following week, I still havn't managed to see them yet. So when I heard they'll be playing Andrew's Lane again in November I was so excited I almost wet myself. Well not really but I did do my, “my new favorite band are playing” dance. I checked the ticketmaster website everyday until they went on sale, and I am now the proud owner of a ticket.
For those of you who aren't familiar with them yet ive decided to start describing them as the world's greatest band. Maybe im exaggerating a little, but you wont know for sure until you give them a listen. And they're friends with cool bands like Deerhoof and Islands on myspace so if that isn't reason enough to give them a chance then I just don't know what is.